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The ToolStripContainer doesn t expose much of a programming model. However, it does let you customize the five panels it wraps through several properties. The four side panels are instances of the ToolStripPanel control, which has the built-in collapse/expand behavior you saw in the previous example. The ToolStripPanel doesn t derive from the Panel control, although it has a similar lineage. To get access to these panels, you use the TopToolStripPanel, BottomToolStripPanel, LeftToolStripPanel, and RightToolStripPanel properties.

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Before you proceed with the examples in this section, you must first create a multiple-consumer queue. Again, you can use SQL*Plus for this. Take note that you will also be adding a subscriber with the name JOHNDALY to the queue and then mapping this subscriber to a database user. When you do this, you are defining the recipients at the queue-level. Execute the code in Listing 9-5. Listing 9-5. Defining Recipients at the Queue Level

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The center panel is an instance of the ToolStripContentPanel, which does derive from the Panel control. You add the rest of your window content here. You can access it through the ContentPanel property. So what can you do once you have access to these controls Primarily, you ll want to change the background color, set a background image, or use the RenderMode property to change how the panel is painted (a technique discussed later in this chapter). You can access all of these panels at design time with the Properties window through the properties of the ToolStripPanel, or you can choose them from the drop-down list box in the Properties window.

Note The ToolStripContainer doesn t make much sense on an MDI parent because of the content region. However, if you want a similar experience (namely, the ability to let the user rearrange multiple ToolStrip controls), you can add one or more ToolStripPanel controls directly to your MDI form. Unfortunately, the ToolStripPanel doesn t appear in the Toolbox, so you ll need to do it in code.

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Convert to PDF and delete image PdfHelper.Instance. ... It would be more portable than a PDF and can be easily printed as PDF. An example :

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9 Oct 2008 ... Could it really be this simple? For all you developers out there wondering how to print a PDF file, here is my story and the idiotically siple ...

SUBSCRIBER SYS.AQ$_AGENT; BEGIN DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE ( queue_table => 'EDZEHOO.JobsQueue_Table', queue_payload_type => 'RAW', sort_list => 'ENQ_TIME', message_grouping => DBMS_AQADM.NONE, compatible => '10.0', comment => '', multiple_consumers => TRUE, secure => TRUE ); DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE ( queue_name => 'EDZEHOO.JobsQueue', queue_table => 'EDZEHOO.JobsQueue_Table', queue_type => DBMS_AQADM.NORMAL_QUEUE, max_retries => 0, retry_delay => 0, retention_time => 0, comment => '' ); SUBSCRIBER := SYS.AQ$_AGENT('JOHNDALY', NULL, NULL); DBMS_AQADM.ADD_SUBSCRIBER ( queue_name => 'EDZEHOO.JobsQueue', subscriber => SUBSCRIBER,

(0, 1, 1, 0))

Now that you understand how the ToolStripContainer functionality is built using separate panels, you might not be as surprised to learn about the one key limitation of the ToolStripContainer it doesn t support floating ToolStrip objects. If you start dragging a ToolStrip and try to release it anywhere except one of the four edges for example, in the content panel or outside the window nothing happens. However, you can code your own solution. For example, you could use the fake drag-anddrop technique from 4 to change the position of the ToolStrip as the user drags it with the mouse. However, this isn t quite as easy as it should be. The problem is that the ToolStrip mouse events (like MouseDown) only fire when they aren t handled by any other part of the ToolStrip. Unfortunately, when the user clicks the ToolStrip grip, the sizing grip handles the click, and the event isn t passed on to your code. The only way to code around this problem is to create a custom ToolStrip control that overrides the corresponding mouse methods. For example, the following code listing shows a custom ToolStrip that overrides OnMouseDown and checks if the click was made inside the sizing grip region. If it was, the control creates a new form and moves the ToolStrip from the current form to the new (floating) form. Public Class FloatToolStrip Inherits ToolStrip Public Event Undocked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal mea As MouseEventArgs) If Me.GripRectangle.Contains(mea.Location) Then Dim location As Point = PointToScreen(Point.Empty) ' For more control, this would be a custom form. ' You could then event handlers that would react when ' it is dragged to an edge, and redock it automatically.

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C# PDF Print Library: Print PDF documents in C# ... -
Quicken PDF printer library allows C# users to batch print PDF file in . ... create a custom web-based client-server printing application or a custom Windows  ...

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How to silently print Adobe PDF Document without opening any ...
An Adobe reader window is opening after printing a pdf file but its not closing. Please help me to prevent the opening of this window or to close ...

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